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Открытки, календари

Книги по дизайну календарей и открыток

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Weiming Huang
ID: 11493
Издательство: Promopress

Ever wondered how different the world will be without calendars? Try arranging meetings with your colleagues, or even remembering the anniversaries and birthdays of your loved ones, or try booking your next vacation withoutthe calendar or any form of date and time. Thinking back, we are truly grateful to renowned historians, astronomers and kings (yes, kings) for giving us the humble calendar that we so rely on today. In this showcase of great calendar designs, 365 Calendars will provide a good selection of examples that offers a unique and innovative touch to one of the most traditional of products—the calendar.  This collection offers uniquely-designed calendars by designers and studios such as Kenji Yano, Masaaki Kimura, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, "Sonner, Vallee u. Partner", Massachusetts College of Art and Design and many more.

Featuring designs that are exceptionally unusual to the downright bizarre, 365 Calendars initially began as a quest to explore the far reaches of calendar design, pushing the limits of what is aesthetically and conceptually possible. The result is an extraordinary range of calendar designs contributed by various designers and studios from around the world that have rewritten the rules and conventions of calendar design as we know it. The 365 Calendars collection consists of ring-binded calendars, calendars that can be folded into cubes, calendars that come in highly configurable cutout sheets as well as calendars that resemble measuring tapes, just to name a few. In total, the 365 Calendars collection offers uniquely designed calendars by designers and studios such as Kenji Yano, Masaaki Kimura, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, "Sonner, Vallee u. Partner", Massachusetts College of Art and Design and many more.

Цена: 1500 грн
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Dorothy Abbe
ID: 16947
Издательство: Chronicle Books

Collecting a mix of Marimekko's classic prints and sought-after new designs,

this treasure trove of colour and pattern is housed in a keepsake box.

Цена: 980 грн
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Studio Ghibli
ID: 17193
Издательство: Chronicle Books

Enter the enchanting world of legendary director Hayao Miyazaki's My Neighbor Totoro.

Including 30 different hand-drawn final frames from the film, this collection of postcards (to keep or send) celebrates the beautiful art and story of Totoro.

A true delight for Studio Ghibli and animation fans!

About the Author:

Studio Ghibli is a Tokyo-based animation film studio founded by directors Isao Takahata and Hayao Miyazaki. The studio has produced several short films and more than 20 feature-length films, including My Neighbor TotoroKiki’s Delivery ServicePrincess Mononoke, and the Academy-Award winner Spirited Away.

Цена: 650 грн
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Emiko Yamamoto
ID: 13426
Издательство: Tuttle

Create your own elegant greeting cards with the beauty of lifelike paper flowers!

Paper Flower Note Cards provides all the information you need. With just scissors, craft glue and a few sheets of colorful heavyweight paper, anyone can create stunning floral gift cards, gift toppers and place cards in no time at all!

Emiko Yamamoto's simple step-by-step instructions explain how to cut and assemble each card for flawless results every time. Templates provided in the back of the book are reusable and allow you to reproduce the designs many times.

This collection includes 30 dazzling designs for creative notes and floral decorations:

Pop-up cards with petals that gently splay when the card is opened

Decorative cards with three-dimensional flowers across the surface

Elegant & subtle floral silhouette cards

Cards for specific occasions like birthdays, weddings, baby showers, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Halloween or Christmas Seasonal cards that can be customized for any occasion year-round

At the heart of each design is a beautiful flower, and there are many to choose from: Rose Peony Carnation Hydrangea Cosmos Morning glory Sunflower Poinsettia And more!

You'll dazzle your friends and family with these handmade works of art!

Цена: 900 грн
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Running Press
ID: 16834
Издательство: Running Press

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince has captured the imaginations of readers both young and old since its initial publication in 1943. The story's themes of humanity, concern for the environment, the specialness of childhood, love, and friendship have resonated across generations.
Now you can share personalized messages of joy, thanks, or just hello with these unique notecards inspired by one of the most cherished and thought-provoking books of all time.

The set comes with 20 cards, each featuring a quote and full-color artwork from The Little Prince, with space for your own message. The set comes with four each of five different designs. 20 blank envelopes

Цена: 900 грн
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ID: 16863
Издательство: Gestalten

Invitations provide the perfect personal touch for everything from private events to opening nights. You’re Invited! is the definitive guide to this versatile and charming medium.

We all love to be invited. The wedding of a relative; a friend's garden party; the launch of a new fashion label. Whether private party or corporate affair, a special occasion deserves a special invitation. You’re Invited! provides alluring invitations fashioned with hand-lettering techniques, fine paper choices, innovative printing methods, and more.

Carefully crafted, the examples within span the spectrum from the whimsical to the elegant: a wedding invitation takes inspiration from the board game Jumanji with a detail of dice inviting all to join the adventure of matrimony; Rifle Paper Co. designs notepads to shoes with the owner’s own wedding being the catalyst for her creative business venture; and Aurora Creative Studio thrives on creativity and eschews templates. Brands are allowed a freedom of expression through the intimate nature of an invitation. Clients enjoy receiving tokens from corporate affairs or garden parties. Friends treasure a handmade reminder for years to come. You're Invited! welcomes you to open, and even push, the envelope.

Цена: 2000 грн
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Peter King & Co.
ID: 6832
Издательство: Rockport

With designers constantly working for clients and having a limited amount of freedom in much of their work, the chance to strike out on their own and do something truly original and personal is a real luxury. The cards included represent some of the most creative design available so are a wonderful source of inspiration for all types of projects. All designers and design firms, whether in-house or freelance, create their own greeting cards which serve not only as a greeting card, but as an opportunity to show off their work in a totally unique and uninhibited light. In addition, they are the perfect project because they are small enough so they are not incredibly time consuming nor are they very expensive to produce -- even with unique materials or treatments.

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Laura McFadden
ID: 6833
Издательство: Rockport

Even in this current day and age, where we are all senders and receivers of voluminous emails, handmade greeting cards, stationery, and invitations never lose their charm or fail to touch the heart. This book is a delightful showcase of 1000 exciting and contemporary hand-designed greeting cards, with examples that feature a wide array of paper craft techniques, including: paper cutting, paper stencils, stamping, punching, stitchery, monoprints, screenprints, paper piecing, and more.

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Aesthetic Movement
ID: 6835
Издательство: Rockport

Greetings often provide designers with the chance to truly stretch their creative wings through personal expression. The follow-up to 1,000 Greetings, 1,000 More Greetings highlights a diverse cross section of current trends in graphic design. Corporate cutbacks and increased electronic connectivity are each variables that have contributed to the democratization of design in recent times, and the collection in this book reflects that. Everything from mass-produced to limited-edition pieces, from hand-drawn to computer-generated art, from conventional to renegade printing methods are all represented side-by-side in this compilation.

The book includes a broad definition of greetings that include everything from announcements from new baby to new company information; invitations from weddings to gallery openings; as well as moving cards; event posters; holiday greetings; birthday cards; gift cards; and more.

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Патрисия Болтон
ID: 7872
Издательство: РИП-холдинг

Художественные открытки - это произведения искусства в миниатюре. Открытки весьма популярны не только среди людей творческих профессий, их дарят, используют вместо визиток и, конечно, коллекционируют. Каждая открытка выпускается ограниченным тиражом.

Издание "1000 Арткрыток" - коллекция уникальных арт-работ, собранных Патрисией Болтон, главным редактором Cloth Paper Scissors и Quilting Arts Magazine. Некоторые из открыток были выбраны читателями журналов, другие по просьбе автора созданы выдающимися художниками специально для этой книги.

Богатый примерами и иллюстрированный качественными фотографиями каталог - прекрасный исходный материал для создания новых, ярких, креативных, провокационных идей. Открытки, собранные на этих страницах, не только отражают дух времени, но и передают художественный опыт и показывают уникальное видение. Оригинальная, хорошо продуманная композиция и использование различных технологических методов вдохновляет Вас на создание собственных шедевров.

Книга включает:

Раздел, в котором шаг за шагом разбирается процесс создания вашей собственной открытки;

Более 1000 полноцветных фотографий эксклюзивных открыток, собранных Патрисией Болтон, главным редактором Cloth Paper Scissors и Quilting Arts Magazine;

Фантастическую феерию игры с цветом, композицией и материалами.

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Marta Serrats
ID: 11497
Издательство: Promopress

A collection of greeting cards, personal invitations, and announcement cards that have been either made by hand or produced with the most avant-garde computer-design techniques. Nine seconds is the current estimate of the amount of time that it takes to captivate the eye. In our information-saturated world, in which email has monopolized personal communication, handmade greeting cards, personal invitations, and announcement cards offer an element of exclusive value and a unique charm, bringing together imagination, real texture, and a wide variety of design techniques.

This book focuses on the latest creative card designs produced by innovative design studios and artists throughout the world.  The ideas showcased in its three hundred pages range from handmade cards that elude conventional printing processes to the most avant-garde computer-designed offerings. The book shows the creative processes and techniques used in each project and analyses the key elements of their success. It is a great source of inspiration for those eager to break boundaries and go one step further with their creativity and imagination. 

About the Author:

Marta Serrats is a journalist based in Barcelona. She holds a Journalism degree from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Information and Communication Science Faculty and is specialized in architecture and design issues. She is the press manager of the Official Interior Architects Chamber of Barcelona and the author of several books on architecture, art and design and has lectured on “Design of Interior Space: Private Perimeters”.

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Patricia Bayer
ID: 7469
Издательство: Thames & Hudson

A wide-ranging and unique survey of Art Deco architecture and design, told through postcards of the era

Art Deco was one of the most captivating and popular artistic movements of the twentieth century, and its iconic blend of luxury and simplicity still bewitches us today. This volume has an entirely original approach to the subject: it features postcards from the 1920s to 1940s — from nightclubs, hotels, and restaurants to skyscrapers, apartment buildings, and airports — each landmark or interior immortalized in miniature.

Emblems of the era, such as the Chrysler and Empire State buildings, appear, as well as a selection of less well-known fac¸ades and interiors from around the world. The expositions and world fairs that drove the development of the style were often ephemeral displays, and the book captures these structures that are no longer on the map but have left an enduring legacy.

A special pop-out-and-keep facsimile section includes detachable reproductions of some of the most important and beautiful cards. 250 full-color illustrations.

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Edith Weber
ID: 8326
Издательство: Schiffer

Although familiar with the Art Nouveau and Art Deco periods, most people may never have seen the fabulous and diversified women's fashion postcard sets that were designed by famous European artists and are featured in this book. Alphonse Mucha, Henri Meunier, Umberto Brunelleschi, and Xavier Sager are among the twenty distinguished artists whose work is featured. Take a magical tour through time that explores these artists' romance with fashion illustration. Also, superb unsigned images, information on postcard history, and a section on evaluating the illustrations make this a particularly useful reference. Over 230 gorgeous and colorful images will inspire students of fashion, postcard collectors, and antiques enthusiasts to peruse, study, and enjoy these beautiful images!

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Laurence K. Withers
ID: 4054
Издательство: Pepin Press

Packed with imaginative ideas for making your own cards, picture frames, gifts, invitations, envelopes, etc.

All the design ideas in the book are included on the CD in multiple formats: larger versions for professionals with access to high-end equipment and smaller ones for home use with standard paper sizes (A4 or Letter).

In addition to the cutting and folding templates, the CD contains some 50 decorative patterns and ornaments to embellish your work further.

Step-by-step instructions make it simple and easy to assemble the designs.

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ID: 7462
Издательство: Feierabend Unique Books

Regardless if it's the standard paper card or its digital equivalent, greeting cards are indispensable both in private life and business life. Of course modern greeting cards have little in common with those old flowery-types... or do they? This volume collects an abundance of contemporary designs for greeting cards.Regardless if it's the standard paper card or its digital equivalent, greeting cards are indispensable both in private life and business life. Of course modern greeting cards have little in common with those old flowery-types... or do they? This volume collects an abundance of contemporary designs for greeting cards.

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Производство календарей и открыток относится к сфере деятельности дизайнеров полиграфической продукции. В этом деле специалисты могут проявить свое творчество. При этом существует ряд правил и принципов, которыми также должны руководствоваться профессионалы. Об этом и о многом другом помогают узнать учебники по дизайну. 

Образовательная и справочная литература для дизайнеров — именно то, на чем специализируется интернет-магазин DesignBook.UA. Мы собрали в электронном каталоге большое количество разнообразных книг и журналов, которые станут помощниками для новичков и уже опытных дизайнеров, работающих в различных направлениях, в том числе и в полиграфии. 

Купить издания по указанной на сайте цене и недорого заказать доставку товаров по Украине можно в несколько кликов. Узнать о приблизительной стоимости книг, поступление которых только ожидается, можно у наших консультантов. 

Книги о дизайне открыток и календарей

Литература о дизайне, представленная в каталоге магазина DesignBook.UA, освещает теоретические вопросы и помогает найти решение для практических задач, с которыми ежедневно приходится сталкиваться дизайнеру в своей работе. 

Прежде чем браться за создание открыток или календарей, советуем изучить книги по теории дизайна, в том числе учебники по основам полиграфии, типографики, иллюстрации. Они помогут постичь азы профессии и расширят кругозор. 

Также заслуживает внимание литература, представляющая собой сборники работ именитых дизайнеров и художников. Она позволяет познакомиться с успешным опытом профессионалов в своей сфере и оценить, насколько может быть эффективна реализация ваших идей. 

Что касается книг непосредственно о дизайне календарей и открыток, то заказать по разным ценам можно, например, такие издания: 

  • “Calendars. Three hundred and sixty five calendar designs with a twist”, Weiming Huang;
  • “Paper Flower Note Cards”, Emiko Yamamoto.

Как купить издания о дизайне на DesignBook.UA

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